Livia Thompson
To Increase Inclusion During Passover, JBI Offers Free Large Print, Braille & Audio Haggadot to Visually Impaired, Blind, or Print Disabled
The Jewish Braille Institute (JBI), the nearly century-old nonprofit that enables access to Jewish life for individuals who are blind, have visual impairments, or print disabilities, recently launched its annual Haggadot campaign offering free large print, braille, and audio Haggadot to anyone in need.
JBI’s Executive Director Livia Thompson said, “Participation at a Passover Seder can be difficult and isolating for those who have trouble reading standard text. Our accessible large print, braille, and audio Haggadot allow everyone, young and old, to join together with family, friends, and community and partake in the mitzvah of sharing the Passover story. Whether leading the seder in long-standing family tradition or reciting the Four Questions for the first time, all should be able to participate and feel they belong.”
JBI offers 18 different versions for patrons to choose from, including Haggadot in several languages, denominations, as well as a Haggadah “digest” for communal seders perfect for use in settings such as nursing homes. Last year JBI partnered with several organizations to add new braille and large-print editions to their offerings, and these now include the Mishkan HaSeder from the CCAR Press, PJ Library’s Family Haggadah, and the Chabad Haggadah. Through the PJ Library collaboration, JBI has also made an audio version available for families who want to study the text and songs in advance of the holiday.
To learn more or to request a free large print, braille, or audio Haggadah for you or someone you know or love, visit JBI’s website at www.jbilibrary.org, call 800-999-6476, or email haggadah@jbilibrary.org. Please note orders are requested by April 11, in order to receive a free Haggadah in time for this year’s Passover Seder. Haggadot are free for individuals. For institutions requesting multiple Haggadot, JBI charges a modest fee to cover the cost of production for those located outside of New York City. (Within NYC nonprofits can request Haggadot, free of charge, thanks to an accessibility grant serving NYC.)
To learn more, visit www.jbilibrary.org.