HaZamir International Jewish Teen Choir’s Carnegie Hall Performance Offered a Powerful Musical Statement of Support for Israel
Hundreds of teen members of HaZamir: The International Jewish Teen Choir from 35 chapters across the U.S. and Israel sang in an uplifting concert featuring classical, contemporary, and popular music on April 7 at Carnegie Hall in New York City. The moving performance evoked a feeling of hope, resilience, and support for Israel and for one another, with a theme of solidarity interwoven through song as well as in heartfelt words from the young people. A rousing revamped “Am Yisrael Chai” was a concert highlight.
HaZamir provides an opportunity for accomplished young singers to perform great Jewish music at the highest standard of excellence. HaZamir has long served as a training ground for the next generation of singers, conductors, and leaders, investing in young people so that they have a deeper understanding of the values and traditions of Judaism through artistic expression. HaZamir is a program of the Zamir Choral Foundation.
For more information, visit www.hazamir.org.