New York State Deputy Director of Jewish Affairs Eva Wyner

HHREC Commemorates Planting of Sapling from Anne Frank’s Tree at Garden of Remembrance
The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center (HHREC) held a dedication for the Anne Frank Sapling at the Garden of Remembrance in White Plains on June 11. The speakers included Westchester County Executive George Latimer, CEO Anne Frank Center USA Dr. Lauren Bairnsfather, HHREC Chairman Michael Gyory, New York State Deputy Director of Jewish Affairs Eva Wyner and Fred Polak, descendent of Dutch Holocaust Survivors. Close to 100 people were in attendance to bear witness to this historic moment.
The HHREC was recently chosen as one of six organizations in the U.S. to receive a sapling from the Anne Frank Center USA.
“We are honored to be entrusted with the sapling, a living memorial symbolizing hope, courage, and resilience. It is our hope that the tree stands strong for many years to come so that future generations understand its meaning and splendor” said HHREC Executive Director Millie Jasper.
The Holocaust & Human Rights Education Center (HHREC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in White Plains New York that serves schools, synagogues, colleges, churches, and civic centers in Westchester and the greater Hudson Valley area. The HHREC’s Mission is to enhance the teaching and learning of the lessons of the Holocaust and the right of all people to be treated with dignity and respect. HHREC works with teachers and students to help schools fulfill the New York State mandate that the Holocaust and other human rights abuses be included in their curriculum. Since 1994, the HHREC has brought the lessons of the Holocaust, genocide, and human rights violations to more than 3,000 teachers, and through them to thousands of students.
Visit www.hhrecny.org, email info@hhrecny.org, or call 914-696-0738 for more information.
Photo credit: Raya Cottrell Photography